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Stepping Stones is the second subchapter of Chapter 4: Golden Ridge B-Side in Celeste. The subchapter brings back wind for most of its rooms and has no real gimmick otherwise.


With one exception, there will be wind in all of the rooms of this subchapter. While the A-Side's second subchapter had a focus on many optional paths to take, there's nothing of the sort here. This subchapter, much like every subchapter in chapter 4 B-Side, has no overarching gimmick so the gameplay is largely similar across them all.


Room 1

For the first room up, the titular stepping stones are here as disappearing platforms and harsh wind will be blowing to the left. Make your way to the right edge of the starting area, then jump and dash straight right. Jump again quickly from there, then dash diagonally up-right. After that, run right a bit and eventually dash straight right again to fall into the green bubble below. Aim this green bubble up-right to land on the disappearing platform and dash right from there into the other green bubble. Take this green bubble also up-right and dash up-right when you exit it to land on another disappearing platform. Jump to the left and dash straight up just to the right of the disappearing platform above so you can land on it and jump and dash straight right all the way across the other ones and to the end of the room.

Room 2

The wind will blow to the right in this room, so with your jump to the right you can dash up-right and land on the far away disappearing platform. Jump and dash up from there to climb up the platform above, then jump into the green bubble. This green bubble should be taken straight right, and then immediately dash straight right after you get out of it. Slide down the right wall until you're about to fall into the crystal spikes, and then jump to the left and slide down the left side wall. Jump off the wall to land on the small disappearing platform to refresh your dash, then jump and dash up into the green bubble above. Aim the green bubble up-left, then dash up-right into the last green bubble and take it straight right, then dash straight right.

Room 3

This room has some skull binoculars available to preview the room, if needed. This room is a tall vertical ascent through a thin corridor, only aided by a single triggered platform, and it will be very tricky for newer players. Grab the triggered platform and jump to the right wall as you approach the first set of crystals, then quickly climb up a bit and jump back to the left and re-grab the triggered platform. Then you want to climb a bit and jump to the right onto the spring as soon as possible so that you can get back to the triggered platform. In quick succession, you need to jump off the right wall to grab the triggered platform, then jump upward and do a wall jump to the left off of the right wall, then get back to the left side of the triggered platform and grab it. Climb up it quickly and jump to the right side of it, then grab the right side and wait a bit. When you reach the open area above, either jump over the top of the triggered platform and dash into the dash crystal or, if your stamina is low, let it bring you a bit higher and let go of it to dash diagonally up-left below it. Dash again up-left after regaining your dash, then you can climb up the walls to make it to the end of the room.

Room 4

You'll need to collect four key tokens in this room while the wind is blowing to the right a bit. Jump to the center of the room grab the wall from the right side. For the top key token, climb up the wall and wait until the spring on the moving platform is starting to move right. Jump to the right and dash up-right to collect the key token and fall onto the spring, then keep going left to keep bouncing on it until you're safe. For the one on the left, fall down and dash to the left into the green bubble. Aim it to the left, then climb the left wall. When the moving platform with the spring reaches the left side, jump to the right to collect the key token and dash when needed to land on the spring and safely continue on. For the middle-lower one, just fall down to where it is while the moving platform is moving right and dash straight up back onto the spring. The bottom-right key one should be collected last as it's the easiest and closest to the key-activated platform which will lower itself when all four tokens are collected. After collecting the last key token, jump and dash to the right and climb the wall to then jump onto the key-activated platform and dash up above it to find the end corridor.

Room 5

Start by dashing into the first green bubble and aim it into the next green bubble. Aim that one up-right and dash up-right as well to land on the first disappearing platform. Jump across these to then climb the right wall. Jump to the left and dash straight up into the green bubble above and aim it straight right, then dash straight right. Land on the disappearing platform in the area below and then jump and dash to the right into another green bubble. Aim this one upward and dash straight upward to land on yet another disappearing platform. Jump into the green bubble to the left and launch yourself straight left, then dash up into the last green bubble which should be aimed to the right, followed by a straight right dash.

