Celeste Wiki

Start is the first subchapter of Chapter 2: Old Site B-Side in Celeste. The subchapter teaches the player about the space block jump technique and has a few rooms dedicated to using it.


Unlike in the A-Side, there's no section of this level with deactivated space blocks. The first room appears just like the A-Sides first room, but afterward all of the rooms will have space blocks. In the third room of the subchapter, the Bird will teach the player how to do a space block jump (by hitting the jump button right before exiting the space block) to get a boost forward required to complete the room as well as most following ones.


Room 1

As this is just the campfire room like in the A-Side, there are no challenges here.

Room 2

This room has a few space blocks covered in spikes aside from the bottom. Treat them somewhat like dash crystals here and dash straight up through the first one, then move right in the air to be able to wall jump to the right off the floating platform and do another straight up dash through the other space block, then dash straight to the right into the last space block.

Room 3

The Bird will appear in this room to give a teaching element of how to do the space block jump. In this room, you need to just dash through the space block and jump out of it to get the distance required to dash straight up into the other space block and complete the room.

Room 4

In this room, there are just two space blocks which can be easily reached and passed through by using a space block jump for both of them, allowing easy access to the end corridor.

Room 5

At the start of this room, a space block jump must be done from the first space block. Then, you can do a diagonal dash up-right into the dash crystal which allows you to dash through the other space block. Be sure to do a space block jump out of this one and then dash straight up through the last space block to finish the room.

Room 6

Two space block jumps must be done at the start of this room to reach a floating platform, which you can then climb up and jump over to grab the right side. Jump off of the right side and dash straight up to reach the right side of the ceiling indent. Jump off of there to the right and you'll be able to collect a dash crystal and climb up the floating platform on the right. Lastly, jump over to the right of this floating platform to encounter one last space block, which you do a space block jump out of to reach the end corridor with a straight upward dash.

