Celeste Wiki

Start is the first subchapter of Chapter 5: Mirror Temple in Celeste. The subchapter starts with Madeline and Theo examining the entrance to a temple before venturing in. Madeline is unsure about entering, but Theo is feeling adventurous to post pictures of the temple to his InstaPix account. In the subchapter, the player will have many paths to cross to eventually find the key which gives further access to a dark room which is locked off that leads to the next subchapter. A few of Chapter 5's gimmicks are introduced here including swap blocks, red bubbles, blue torches, dash switches, temple gates, and blades. In the third room of the subchapter, Madeline can find Theo's phone lying on the floor at the top, implying he's gone missing.


Once entering the temple, there will be a room with tiny corridors and one of them must utilize a Madeline's smaller hitbox while dashing to squeeze through. Many objects used further in this chapter are introduced in quick succession at the start before arriving at a big hub room. Going up will lead to progression and the path to the required key, while going down will lead to further paths leading to berry rooms.

After taking the red bubble up above the fifth room of the subchapter, it's possible to do a very precisely do a hyperdash to get to the right transition of the sixth room. The intended method, however, is to go left for a bit to reach a red bubble which can then be taken back to the right and past the crystals. From there it's another room where the player has to get to a red bubble at the bottom and go left to return to the sixth room of the subchapter in the area containing the key. Take this key to a right transition of the fifth room to unlock the path to finish the dark room.


There are 12 Strawberries found in this subchapter (not including the Golden Strawberry which spawns in the first room).

Berry 1

By going left of the first room of the subchapter, you can find the area seen at the end of Chapter 4 with the gondola at the ledge. If you walk off this ledge and then head back right, do a dash diagonally up-right to get into the suspicious hole found in the mountain and a hidden area with this Strawberry is found.

Berry 2

Found in the fifth room of the subchapter, there is a hidden smashable wall to the left of the red bubble which you normally would use to get to the upper section of the subchapter. The Strawberry is found behind this smashable wall.

Berry 3

Found in the fifth room of the subchapter, this Strawberry can be found in the top-left. To get to it, first use the uppermost red bubble to go left and then grab the wall. Jump and grab the next piece of the wall on the left, then from here jump and climb the right wall. Wall jump off the top and collect the berry, then fall through a gap on the left before dashing directly right to make it back to safety.

Berry 4

Go from the lower section of the fifth room of the subchapter to the bottom-left to find a room with this Strawberry. To make it over to the Strawberry, jump onto the spring on the swap block, then dash to the left to bounce on it again before grabbing the wall and grabbing the berry. Dash diagonally up-right such that you go above where the swap block is going to arrive, then bounce on the spring. Move right to land on the spring again as it moves back right, then you can dash right and climb up to the starting area.

Berry 5

Go to the right of the room of the previous berry to find another room which contains a berry. This Strawberry will be very linear to collect, simply use the red bubble to go up, dash right at the top, take the other red bubble left, then dash directly down at the gap at the left.

Berry 6

Enter the bottom-right transition of the fifth room of the subchapter to reach a room with this berry. Jump on top of the first swap block, then for the next one dash straight up inbetween the two swap blocks, then land below where the swap block just moved away from. Quickly dash again and make it to below the third swap block, and you can reach the Strawberry. Dash again to move the swap block and return left with one more dash. Jump up and dash directly up inbetween the first and second swap block and grab onto the second one, then jump off it to the left to make it back.

Berry 7

Two rooms below the fifth room of the subchapter, this Strawberry can be found floating in the top middle around many crystals. You'll need to utilize swap block momentum to collect this berry. Stand on either the left or right swap block (it works with both) and face towards the berry. Hit dash and immediately move towards the berry and you'll be shot far past it while grabbing it in the process and landing safely.

Berry 8

By going to the left transition of two rooms below the fifth room of the subchapter, there's a room with this Strawberry. First jump and dash into where the swap block will arrive, then cling onto it. Collect the dash crystal and hold onto the wall. For a consistent strategy, jump off the wall and dash directly up back into the dash crystal, then dash directly left to grab the other swap block. Jump off of this one to make it to the Strawberry. For a safe return back, you can jump to the right and just keep going right with a diagonally up-right dash to grab the ledge. If you don't trust this, wall jumping off of the left swap block gives more safety.

Berry 9

By going to the right transition of two rooms below the fifth room of the subchapter, there's a room with this Strawberry. The first step to collecting this berry is to stand on the swap block lined up with the vertical gap between the crystals. Dash directly downward onto this swap block, then jump just after to get a huge boost upward allowing you to dash directly up into the red bubble. Take this red bubble right and dash straight down onto the Strawberry and steer yourself to the left to enter another red bubble. Ride this to the right and dash down when you reach the gap to the lower area, and you can safely claim this berry.

Berry 10

From the sixth room of the subchapter, you need to go up to the top transition to find the room with this Strawberry. In order to do this, you could just wall jump off the left area to the dash directly up and grab the right side of the floating platform, then from there jump right onto the swap block and boost yourself up with a jump at the end of its return. In the room above, first jump and dash diagonally up-right above where the first swap block will move to, then grab its right side. Jump off into the dash crystal and grab the other swap block. Jump off of this swap block and then make a diagonally up-right dash to grab onto it on the other side of the crystal, allowing you to get to the top and collect the Strawberry.

Berry 11

Go to the left of the eighth room of the subchapter by riding a red bubble left to reach another room where the berry will be floating on the left side. Jump over the swap block and grab its left side, then dash into it. At the left side, jump off the swap block and grab the Strawberry and hit the dash crystal, then dash right and grab the swap block to go back.

Berry 12

In the ninth room of the subchapter, there's a hidden area found inside the central platform. Notice the chunk of the platform which is dented inward and dash directly up from the red bubble after riding it to the left a bit. In this area is a dash switch which unlock a temple gate in a hidden lower area of the room. Hit this dash switch then finish the room like normal. Ride the red bubble in the following room to the right, then up. There will be a couple key tokens to collect in the next room which unlock a temple gate guarding the berry. For the left key token, ride the bottom red bubble up, then dash out to enter the second red bubble and aim that one up-left into the next red bubble. Aim this red bubble down, then dash directly right and climb the wall. For the right key token, ride the second red bubble up-right and at the end dash directly right to reach the right red bubble. Aim this one at the key token and hold onto the wall after collecting it until the red bubble respawns, after which you should ride it back left. Try to fall inside the initial gap, using a direct upward dash to reposition yourself if you need. Then you can go right from the starting area and claim the Strawberry.

