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Search is the fourth subchapter of Chapter 5: Mirror Temple in Celeste. The subchapter will task the player with getting keys from across various paths to advance past a floor of corrupted spikes using a red bubble. In the first room of the subchapter, Madeline will be scared and confused at how she will save Theo before then relieving herself. A room to preview Theo trapped in a crystal is located above the second room of the subchapter and Madeline will be able to have a conversation with Theo here behind some crystals.


After traversing the first room composed of mostly crystals and red bubbles, the player arrives at a large main hub room in the second room of the subchapter. Like in the second subchapter of Chapter 5, many of the rooms here will be dark and only lighting blue torches will allow the player to easily see the room. There are 3 keys to be collected across the split paths, but only 2 will be required to clear the way for a red bubble to advance further into the subchapter (however getting all 3 will grant access to a Strawberry).

For the left path, go to the third room of the subchapter located to the middle-left side of the large second room. Just at the start, go down the steps to enter a hole and then fall down it and go back right into the second room. This will give access to behind a temple gate (which you can open with the dash switch right next to it) and a bottom transition leading to one of the keys. In the first room of this path, just timing your dashes to move swap blocks away at the right time is all that's needed. In the second room, you'll need to dash downward to boost up your jump from the swap block and dash into the red bubble, taking it up-left to reach the path to the key.
Go to the right side of the second room of the subchapter and head down to find the next path to a key. First will be a room to collect 4 key tokens while being chased by a Seeker, then you take a red bubble through the first room of the subchapter to arrive at another room on the left. After falling through the next room, you just have to get past another room with a Seeker. The next room will have 2 key tokens out of reach. For the top one, stay on the ground and let the Seeker come to you. Do a short jump to bounce on it and hold the jump button for extra height, then dash straight up. For the other key token, lure the Seeker to charge at you moving left and jump above it so it grabs the key token for you and potentially traps itself with the key-activated platform blocking the crystals. After that is a room where you just have to go up some springs around crystals and then you can reach the key.
The rightmost key will be more secretive, and the room containing it can be accessed by going right of the second room of the subchapter. The top entrance is easily enterable, but the bottom entrance is only accessible by destroying a red wall blocking it. At the top of this room is a red wall which you need to lure a Seeker to destroy. Beyond this is a short section which requires some good timing to advance using swap blocks and then you'll reach the key.

After unlocking both locks in the second room of the subchapter, you can go to the middle-right transition to find a red bubble. Take this to the left to bypass the group of corrupted spikes on the floor. Notably, a "Search skip" exists which utilizes precise movement maneuvers to make it past these corrupted spikes without the need for a red bubble. The next two rooms will be vertically tall and require making it up from the bottom whilst a Seeker chases you. A couple rooms later is the final room of the subchapter which has a temple gate locking you from advancing without collecting a single key token. This key token is found inside the red wall at the top, so lure the Seeker to destroy it and then grab it, quickly getting past the Seeker before it can attack you.


There are 6 Strawberries found in this subchapter.

Berry 1

Found in the third room of the subchapter (to the middle-left of the large hub) is a section opposite the left key path located by going below the initial entrance. Dash left into the red bubble and ride it left a bit, then dash directly up. Hold onto the wall or swap block, the land on top of the swap block. Next, dash diagonally up-left to where the other swap block will arrive and land on it, then crouch until it returns to the left. When you uncrouch, you'll collect this Strawberry and to make it back, dash directly up in this tiny corridor and fall to the red bubble, then take it back right.

Berry 2

Go to the top-left transition of the second room of the subchapter to find a secret room. Fall down and dash right into the red bubble, then take it left. When you're in the middle of both swap blocks, dash to the left out of the red bubble. Then you can find a section above the third room of the subchapter with this Strawberry above a disappearing platform. Important note, this passage is only enterable once, so make sure you get the berry the first time you get to it, or you'll need to restart.

Berry 3

In the room right of the second room of the subchapter, go to the bottom right and there will be a secret gap in the corrupted spikes which leads to another room containing a berry. You'll need to distract the Seeker in the lower area to allow yourself to hop between the tiny safe bits of the ground and arrive at the Strawberry, then do the same back to the beginning.

Berry 4

At the same section which leads to the last berry, hold onto the swap block and dash to launch yourself to another swap block. Jump off this swap block into the dash crystal and then dash diagonally up-right into the other swap block and climb up to the section above. The path reached will lead right to the Strawberry.

Berry 5

There is a Strawberry seen by the red bubble on the right of the second room of the subchapter which would take you across the corrupted spikes much further left. Under the red bubble is a smashable wall, but it can only be destroyed by aiming this red bubble downward, which gives access to the Strawberry.

Berry 6

By collecting all 3 keys in the subchapter and crossing the gap in the third room of the subchapter (meaning you would have 1 key while entering the red bubble) and going down to the next room, the key you have can be used to unlock a lock which guards this Strawberry.

