Rock Bottom is the fifth subchapter of Chapter 6: Reflection in Celeste. The subchapter is somewhat of a boss battle against Badeline where Madeline will push her back through the room by getting close, meanwhile Badeline will have some attacks to hit Madeline from a distance. In the last room of the subchapter, Madeline and Badeline will make amends and hug, then Madeline will combine with Badeline and level up to gain a second mid-air dash.
To complete each room, the player must direct Madeline into Badeline's hitbox to scare her back to another spot in the room until eventually she zips to the next room. Badeline has 2 attacks: one where she shoots a slow red shot at where Madeline currently is and one in which she aims at Madeline's location with a laser that will blast shortly after. Each room specifically designates which attacks she will do, at what rate, if she will shoot 1 or 2 shots at once, and how many times she attacks. After touching Badeline, Madeline will be launched away either left or right (also pre-determined for every position) and this will restore her dash. Sometimes when Badeline is hit, she will cause parts of the wall to fall down and potentially crush Madeline. After Badeline tries to convince Madeline she was just trying to help her in the fourteenth room of the subchapter, she goes into a glitched out phase in the fifteenth room and will start to move platforms back and forth constantly.
The strategy of this subchapter is to keep patient. Don't rush into Badeline's hitbox as soon as possible, but rather sneak closer as you weave past her attacks and then dash right in when she isn't attacking. If she's about to blast her laser while you're grounded, stay in place and dash straight up as it comes out to dodge it. For the fifth and sixth rooms of the subchapter, this will be crucial to dodge the rapid sets of double shots. For any rooms with feathers, try not to panic and fly into the crystals as usually Badeline herself won't be a threat in this state. In the sixteenth room of the subchapter, boosting yourself to the right with the momentum of Badeline's controlled platform to jump through the corridor will be required, followed by a dash around the crystals at the end of the tunnel. After completing the twentieth room of the subchapter, all of the crystals in the room will be broken and in the next room, Madeline can reconcile with Badeline before they combine to grant Madeline the second mid-air dash more prominently seen in the following chapters.
There are no Strawberries found in this subchapter.