Celeste Wiki
Celeste Wiki

Resolution is the sixth and final subchapter of Chapter 6: Reflection in Celeste. The subchapter gives the player a chance to test out their newly obtained double mid-air dash and has no obstacles present. A purple orb is seen in this subchapter for the first time in the game, and it will launch Madeline into the last room of the chapter where she meets up with the Old Woman and Theo before venturing off to The Summit.


This subchapter does not try to kill the player in any way. As a matter of fact, the only way the player could die here aside from a retry is by climbing up past the purple orb and into the decoration crystals. The subchapter is only 2 rooms of gameplay long and then from the 2nd room, the purple orb sends the player into a last room which only serves as a cutscene.


There are no Strawberries found in this subchapter.

