Celeste Wiki

Presidential Suite is the fourth and final subchapter of Chapter 3: Celestial Resort in Celeste. The subchapter starts with Mr. Oshiro showing off the resort's presidential suite for Madeline to stay in, but Badeline shows up to mock Mr. Oshiro and cause him to go into a fit of rage, chasing down Madeline as she progresses across the rooftop.


After Madeline goes to the rooftop and has a fight with Badeline, Mr. Oshiro comes up to talk again with Madeline only for Badeline to call him pathetic, which enrages him. The player is then tasked with getting to the end of the rooftop while Mr. Oshiro is constantly attacking by charging across the screen every couple of seconds relative to where Madeline currently is. Mr. Oshiro will be waiting on the left side of the camera constantly except for when he charges. His head can be bounced on if Madeline lands on him right as he passes. A strategy for much of this section is to wait in place until Mr. Oshiro does his charge and dash right above him, then continue as far right as possible without needing to worry about his interference. This is much harder is the player if bouncing on a spring as the timing to dash above him will be less consistent. By constantly dashing straight downward over the spring you can keep your position low, making Mr. Oshiro always charge low down, giving an easy window to dash above him.


There are 3 Strawberries found in this subchapter.

Berry 1

Found in the fifth room of the subchapter, this Strawberry will require you to bounce on Mr. Oshiro's head to reach it. It's located around a tunnel of dust bunnies and is out of reach without the extra boost. Stand on the right edge of the platform to the left of it and wait until Mr. Oshiro's white laser shoots out to do a jump, then after bouncing up dash diagonally up-right and fall through the tunnel to get the berry safely.

Berry 2

Found in the ninth room of the subchapter, a Strawberry is found near the start in a tight corridor between dust bunnies. You could dash up from the floor and find a general area where you can jump across and grab the berry while not touching the dust bunnies. Another method is to bounce on Mr. Oshiro's head to get on the wall with a dash still available. From there, dash through where the berry is to get it.

Berry 3

Found in the ninth room of the subchapter, this berry is comparatively very simple to get. At around the middle of the room is a Strawberry floating at the bottom. Walk off the left edge, dash to the right and climb up the wall to get it. Be sure that Mr. Oshiro won't attack you during this time by letting him pass before you walk off.

