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Mix Master is the fourth and final subchapter of Chapter 5: Mirror Temple B-Side in Celeste. The subchapter has the player carry around Theo in a crystal, where he must be utilized to finish each room. The red Crystal Heart to complete the B-Side can be found in this subchapter.


Like in the final subchapter of the A-Side, this subchapter entirely revolves around escorting Theo, encased in a crystal, to the end. There isn't a giant eye that Theo must be thrown at to finish the chapter, rather the player just needs him to complete each room as he allows the yellow temple gates at the ends of each room to unlock. This subchapter more rigorously uses Theo's crystal in its challenges, with many of them being designed around using it to complete the room as opposed to the challenges in the A-Side, where the crystal is mostly just a burden.


Room 1

This room will bring back the crystal, which just needs to be carried to the end of the room to finish it though there's nothing in the room to hurt you.

Room 2

This will be a decently lengthy room which has Seekers be a threat throughout. Walk forward past the first barrier with Theo in hand and jump over the Seeker as it pursues you. Continue to the right quickly, bouncing on the spring and moving right a bit in the air before throwing the crystal to the right to land in on another spring to the right of the pillar. At this point, wait for the Seeker to chase you again and bounce on its head to neutralize it for a bit. Climb the wall and dash to the small platform with the spring to grab the crystal again and throw it to the right immediately. Dash straight to the right and dash down on the floor to press the dash switch. Start climbing up the next wall quickly before the Seeker arrives and dash over it, then bring Theo through the barrier. Do wall jumps with the crystal in hand up the corridor above and throw the crystal to the right before doing an up-right dash to get over the Seeker and land at the end of the room with Theo by your side to allow you to finish. One secret tip for this room is, at the start, to throw Theo's crystal and bait the Seeker to charge at you as you stand next to the barrier. Jump over it and dash to the right and, if timed right, the temple gate will close behind you and crush the Seeker, which makes the room much easier.

Room 3

There will be four small segments in this room, each being small areas with Seekers in them which have a dash switch to be pressed. For the first one, you can just throw Theo's crystal into the arena and jump and dash above the Seeker when it charges at you, then dash into the dash switch and carry the crystal into the next section. Throw Theo off to the side for a bit and bait the Seeker into charging at you at the start of the section, then make your way to the spring to bounce high enough to dash straight up into the dash switch above, then fall in a way that you can either dodge the Seeker or land on its head, then grab Theo's crystal and carry it into the next section. A very simple way to complete this section is by walking in a bit, then turning left and jumping to then throw the crystal at the dash switch. From there, dash away from the Seeker in whichever direction is desirable and go back for the crystal to carry it out of the section. For this last section, you have to bring Theo's crystal to the right of the room and do a wall jump off the temple gate to then throw the Theo through the section above to the right which is guarded by many crystals. This will allow him to land on the last dash switch and open the temple gate.

Room 4

This room revolves around throwing Theo into key tokens to collect them. First, carry him to the very end of the first platform and toss him onto the first key. Bounce off the first spring and dash up-right at the peak of your jump, launching Theo into the air. Catch him and land on the second spring. If you miss the catch, you can still land on the second spring and try again. From the second platform, move right. At the height of your jump, toss Theo into the second key token, dash up-right to land on the third spring, and grab Theo out of the air. If you throw him perfectly, you can have him land on the spring, which saves you from having to do the air catch, but the air catch is easier. Next, the tricky part: Move right off the spring and let go of Theo at the peak of your jump. He should bounce off the floating platform to the right. Immediately dash up and grab him again. If all goes well, you will be on top of the floating platform with Theo, and the last part is easy. Jump off the float platform to the right. Release Theo after you're below the top edge of the platform, so that he lands by the temple gate. Continue to fall until you collect the last key, then dash up-right to grab the wall, climb up, grab Theo, and carry him to the exit.

Room 5

This room, deemed "clearly impossible" by Theo, is actually quite simple. Hold Theo at the ledge and jump to the right a bit and throw the crystal, then land back on the ledge. After this jump to the right again and dash straight right into the first dash crystal, then dash straight up and grab Theo's crystal to immediately throw it to the right again. Fall to the right and land in another dash crystal, dash straight right into another dash crystal, dash again now up-right and grab Theo to then throw him again and land him at the end of the room, and use the last dash crystal to dash straight to the right and climb the wall.

Room 6

This will be the cassette block room of the chapter. It can actually be quite tricky to figure this one out relative to the other cassette block rooms as you'll need to incorporate Theo's crystal into your movement. Jump onto the first block when it turns to blue and jump and throw the crystal to the right, then dash up-right onto the pink block. Grab Theo as he bounces on the springs and land on the blue block above, then walk off to the pink block below shortly after. Jump to the right and throw Theo, then dash up-right to allow both you and Theo's crystal to safely land on a swap block which arrives at that location. The swap block will then take you to the right and allow you to open one last temple gate with Theo's crystal and either throw him into the Crystal Heart or dash into it yourself to win the level.

