Celeste Wiki

Lake is the second subchapter of Chapter 6: Reflection in Celeste. The subchapter is the introduction to the jungle part of Chapter 6. A couple mechanics are introduced here, namely angry platforms and semi-smashable walls. There are no story moments found in this subchapter.


After the events of the last subchapter, Madeline is shot down into this subchapter by landing in a lake at the bottom of the first room of the subchapter (when entering this subchapter from the map, the player spawns on the upper ledge near the Golden Strawberry's location). In this subchapter, feathers return and there are a few rooms filled with crystals to maneuver around using feathers. In the rooms with angry platforms, they will be needed to get up higher in the room to avoid touching any crystals. The first room specifically has a semi-smashable wall introduced to the player which is only broken by bringing the angry platform to the left.


There are no Strawberries found in this subchapter (not including the Golden Strawberry which spawns in the first room).

