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Celeste Wiki

Golden Ridge C-Side is the C-Side of Chapter 4: Golden Ridge in Celeste. This C-Side has the player make tight and fast maneuvers around crystals as well as going with extremely strong wind.


Starting from this C-Side, generally C-Sides will start getting noticeably harder and have more difficult rooms than just the final one. The first room has some wall bounces being done out of green bubbles. The second room has a tricky triggered platform which the player must shift sides of multiple times to make it to the top of the room. The final room has harsh wind blowing to the right, making control of Madeline incredibly difficult.


Room 1

Jump off the ledge and dash into the green bubble and direct it straight upwards. When you are lined up with the bit of the wall to the left, hit the jump button and start holding right to do a wall bounce to get over the crystals. From the fall after the wall bounce, dash straight right into the next green bubble and do the same thing again. Move to the left after going right from the wall bounce to grab the wall, then jump to the right and dash right into the last green bubble to do one more wall bounce with the same process and reach the end of the room.

Room 2

This room has some skull binoculars available to preview the room, if needed. This room will be vertically oriented with a single triggered platform to help you make it to the top, but crystals will come in your way a ton so you'll need to jump to the other side frequently. Jump to the triggered platform and grab its left side, then immediately jump over it to grab the right side and climb a bit, then after this jump to the right wall and then wall jump back to the left, over the triggered platform, then grab its left side again. When the triggered platform approaches the crystals above, jump off to the left and dash straight up, then move right again to grab the triggered platform again. Climb to the top and jump to the right side of the triggered platform so that you can collect the dash crystal, then grab the right side and jump back over to the left and grab the left side. Jump off to the left after a bit and dash straight up and climb up the left wall, then you can jump right and grab the triggered platform again and jump over it to the end of the room.

Room 3

This room has some skull binoculars available to preview the room, if needed. Once you step past the starting ledge, wind will start blowing to the right at a very strong rate. Landing on pink clouds in this environment can be very tricky. Jump to the right and dash straight right fairly early to make it to the pink cloud as the wind appears. Bounce up while holding left a bit as to not be blown off of the pink cloud, then stop holding right after a bit after your bounce as you start to fall. Dash straight right to land on the next pink cloud but do it fairly far to the left so you don't overshoot it. Simple land on the pink cloud, then jump right immediately after and dash straight up, nudging left a bit such that the wind pushes you perfectly onto the next pink cloud, which you should do a large bounce off of followed by holding left for a bit to not be blown into crystal spikes on the right. After falling a bit, you can dash straight right into the corridor below for a brief safe spot. Run to the right and jump right, then dash up-right into a green bubble. Take this green bubble down-right and keep holding right. You'll arrive in another green bubble which should be aimed up-right, then dash straight up before being blown into crystals to the right and you'll make it to another green bubble. Aim this straight right and continue holding right, then dash up-right about at the point when you pass the blue flag in the background. You'll make it to a triggered platform which you need to simply grab and allow to move up. Hold right as soon as it's about to be destroyed to make it to one last green bubble, which you should aim up-right and then dash up-right shortly after popping out of it. You'll then reach a disappearing platform four units wide, then another one which is three units wide is to the right which you can just jump to carefully. Jump again to land on a two unit wide disappearing platform, then once more to a one unit wide disappearing platform, then jump all the way to the right to be able to dash diagonally up-right into the Crystal Heart to complete the level.

