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Forsaken City C-Side is the C-Side of Chapter 1: Forsaken City in Celeste. This C-Side primarily focuses on quick reflexes with traffic light blocks, which is needed to make it into small corridors surrounded by spikes across the level.


All three rooms of this level will feature traffic light blocks as the main object to work with. The first room has a cramped maze-like area with spikes covering nearly every side, with the method of getting through being traffic light blocks which will very quickly zip the player across the corridors and potentially right into more spikes if they aren't fast enough to get out. The second room has some falling platforms and lacks a floor for the entirety of the room except the start and the end. The difficulty comes with using traffic light block momentum upwards to make it above the areas while dodging spikes on the ceiling. The final room has a few sections utilizing different aspects of traffic light blocks the player needs to tackle, such as wall jumping on vertical ones or jumping off of horizontally moving ones at the right time.


Room 1

This first room seems incredibly daunting with spikes all over and seemingly no way to make it through, but the key here is dashing up while holding onto traffic light blocks as they move you to the designated gaps. Jump and grab onto the first traffic light block, then dash straight up as soon as you reach the gap above with the dash crystal. Dash straight right after this, collecting another dash crystal, then grab the left wall. Wall jump to the right and grab the traffic light block, then repeat the process where you dash straight up as you pass under the dash crystal and then dash straight right to claim another and grab the next wall on the left. Jump to the right and grab yet another traffic light block and dash straight up when you pass under the dash crystal it approaches, then move left and grab the other traffic light block nearby. This one will be pushing you against the direction you're going, unlike all the other ones in the room, so make sure to dash a bit earlier than usual to grab the dash crystal as you'll be moving to the right as you dash up. After dashing up, you'll collect another dash crystal and can dash straight right to the end of the room.

Room 2

This room has some skull binoculars available to preview the room, if needed. Jump and dash straight right to land on the first falling platform, then quickly jump right and dash straight right again, grabbing the next falling platform. Jump over it to the right to land on one last falling platform, then jump to the right off of this one and dashing right to grab a traffic light block. When this traffic light block is about three-fourths of the way up its travel distance, release the grab button and gently move left to make it up to the area above where you can grab the left wall without bumping into the spikes on the ceiling below. Wall jump to the right, then slide down the right wall until you can grab the right side of the wall below. Jump to the right and wrap around to grab the right side of the next traffic light block, then let go of it after it travels its entire path to be flung all the way to the right and grab one more traffic light block. Release the grab button for this one, again, at three-fourths up its path, then move left a bit to make it up to the ending area of the room.

Room 3

This room has some skull binoculars available to preview the room, if needed. All C-Side final rooms will be very long and have plenty of constantly changing challenges to do all in a row. To start off, grab the first traffic light block, then jump over it to the right immediately following that and fall down to the area it travels to, then wall jump off its right side to then grab the traffic light block just to the right. Ride this up to the top of its path and release the grab button, then move right to get over all the spikes and fall back down to then grab its right side. Wait a bit, then wall jump to the right and dash straight up, then move right in the air to be able to land on another traffic light block in the next area. Jump to the right onto another traffic light block quickly, then jump further and dash up to grab the right side of a traffic light block above. This will bring you into a wall of spikes, so jump to the right off of it before it gets close to that point and you'll arrive at a wall to the right. Jump off of it and carefully fall into the hole below, where you'll land on a traffic light block taking you to the left. Stand still and try to dash straight up as you're directly below the sole key token, then grab the wall until the traffic light block starts coming back at which point you can land on it. The key-activated platform will move to the left a bit, so you can jump off of the traffic light block and grab onto the key-activated platform's left side, then climb and jump over it to grab its right side. Jump to the right from the bottom half of the platform while not going too quickly as to not hit the spikes on the wall, then as you pass below this wall's right side you can dash straight up and grab it. Wall jump to the right and grab another traffic light block, jumping at a relatively early point, then fall into the gap below to land on a floor with one more traffic light block to the right. Grab it, climbing up slightly, and release the grab button to be flung straight up, then dash straight right into the Crystal Heart to complete the level.

