Contraption is the second subchapter of Chapter 1: Forsaken City B-Side in Celeste. The subchapter continues with mostly the main mechanics seen before, with the first room of the subchapter being extra tricky.
This subchapter's type of challenges will be largely similar to the kinds seen in the last subchapter, albeit slightly tougher. The first room is the namesake of the subchapter, being a contraption, which is set up to be fairly tricky to figure out the solution to. Some rooms of the subchapter have a focus on traffic light block momentum and others focus on maintaining a dash at the right time to get through the room.
Room 1
This will be the actual contraption room, having a mount of spikes with a traffic light block underneath it rigged with a spring. This will be the toughest room in the chapter for most as there's no obvious solution to the tricky setup. What must be done is you need to dash over the traffic light block all the way to the wall and wait for the spring to move to you. Hit the jump button at the height of your spring bounce and then quickly dash straight to the right and nudge yourself a bit more to the right. Land on the traffic light block at the right and duck down so you can be moved to the left under the platform. When you arrive in the middle, wall jump up the corridor and use your dash diagonally up-right to get above the spikes up above and finish the room.
Room 2
In this room, you just need to grab the left side of the first traffic light block and release the button right as it reaches the end of its zipline. Fall down the corridor, avoiding spikes, and dash right to grab onto the other traffic light block and get to the end of the room.
Room 3
This room will be fairly self-explanatory, just do a dash up to the wall above and do a wall jump off of it, then fall into each dash crystal and dash upward or up-right when needed to get to the next dash crystal and get to the end.
Room 4
This room forces you to go through most of it without ever having a dash, as you need to collect a single dash crystal to be able to finish the room. You need to dash up to then wall jump off of the falling platform, then in the spiked corridors to the right you keep doing wall jumps to get by. Stamina can be tight here, so don't use your climb too much until the end. Wall jump all the way until you collect the dash crystal, then start wall jumping back where you came and go down to the bottom area and use the dash you have to get across the long line of spikes. If you know how to do a spike jump (like seen in the Winged Golden Strawberry strategy) then this room can be partially cheesed. A spike jump and then wrapping around the falling platform can allow you to get up top without a dash needed, allowing you to complete the room without needing to trek to the dash crystal.
Room 5
Stand on top of the first traffic light block, then jump to the right as soon as it stops to reach the next traffic light block. Grab onto this block and use the momentum from its boost up to carefully get up and around the two floating platforms with spikes on them. Do a diagonal up-left dash to reach the right side of the last traffic light block and grab onto it. Boost yourself up with its momentum and move to the left side of it. Grab onto the left side, and use that momentum to weave to the left and wall jump up the corridor.