Celeste Wiki
Cassette BSide

Cassette Tape in-game sprite

1 Cassette tape can be found in each of the story chapters in order to unlock the B-side level which uses the mechanics of it's respective chapter to create a level significantly harder. They are always obtainable in their own room after a gauntlet of rythm blocks.

Chapter 1

More to come...

Chapter 2

This Cassette becomes available after the mirror encounter with Badeline as it requires the use of dream blocks to access but it is unaccessible after the badeline chase is initiated.

The room in question is below the large central room of the old site on the other side of a dream block situated at the center of the floor to the room.

Chapter 3

More to come...

Chapter 4

More to come...

Chapter 5

more to come...

Chapter 6

The cassette room lies behind a wall requires the use of Kevin blocks to break, is can be accessed from the large open area, to break the wall one must use the kevin block at the bottom left corner, lead it downwards and then to the left.

Chapter 7

more to come...

Chapter 8

The cassete lies at the end of the chapter and is required to complete it.
