500 M is the second subchapter of Chapter 7: The Summit in Celeste. The subchapter brings back the mechanics of Chapter 1 and utilizes them in new ways. In the final room of the subchapter, Madeline and Badeline will talk to each other while being boosted up from the last purple orb, then combine back together to enter the next subchapter.
Some of the rooms in this subchapter will use traffic light blocks for their main challenges, and some specifically test the player's knowledge of momentum with the traffic light blocks. Being flung across a room to dash into the next area where it's likely the player needs to be flung again by another traffic light block is a common occurrence in this subchapter. Making the most of both mid-air dashes Madeline has is also important to, for example, reach other traffic light blocks or stall out one currently moving back.
The sapphire piece of the Crystal Heart of this chapter is located in a room accessed by first taking the left exit out of the top of the third room of the subchapter and go right, just past the second Strawberry of the subchapter. In the next room you arrive in, a small hole can be seen in the floor which takes the player to the room containing this piece. The room will be filled with dash crystals and spikes, making the player do some precise dashes inbetween the spike gaps to eventually reach the sapphire piece at the bottom right.
There are 6 Strawberries found in this subchapter.
Berry 1
Found in the third room of the subchapter, this Strawberry hovers in the middle of the room to the left of your arrival point after using the first traffic light block. To get this berry, jump to the left of the ledge and dash once to the left and then dash up into the berry, then move left to grab the traffic light block. Fling yourself back to the ledge to safely collect the Strawberry.
Berry 2
Go to the top-left exit of the third room of the subchapter, reachable by dashing into the traffic light block below the previous Strawberry, waiting for it to go back to position, then jumping up and dashing left to the succeeding dash crystals. In the next room, the Strawberry is hovering right at the top and you just need to launch yourself up the traffic light blocks in the room to get up there.
Berry 3
To the left of the last Strawberry's location, a small bridge is seen on the left wall. Beyond it is a hidden passage to another room which has this berry. Walk off the bridge and dash left into the traffic light block. Ride it up and fling yourself upward, then dash to the left and reach the wall. Jump off the wall and grab onto the other traffic light block, then ride that one left and use that momentum to reach the left wall, which you can climb up to reach the Strawberry.
Berry 4
From the fourth room of the subchapter, a right transition can be found. A Winged Strawberry will await you in the room that follows. To get this one, reach the pillar with the spring and jump over it into the spring. After you've bounced past the spikes above, dash straight up and then up-left directly into the Winged Strawberry and continue left to safely land.
Berry 5
Found in the eighth room of the subchapter, this Strawberry hovers near the end around some falling platforms. Play through the room normally until reaching where the berry is, then dash diagonally up-right to the pillar near it to get to the Strawberry after the falling platform moves out of the way. From there, complete the room normally.
Berry 6
Found in the ninth room of the subchapter, this berry is hiding beyond the purple orb at the end. Make your way to the area to the right just before the purple orb and dash upwards to find a gap in the pillars which reveals a Strawberry hidden off screen.