Celeste Wiki

2000 M is the fifth subchapter of Chapter 7: The Summit B-Side in Celeste. The subchapter resembles Chapter 4 and uses that chapter's mechanics in new challenges. In the final room, after reaching the purple orb at the end, the player will be taken to the next subchapter.


Wind will be present in most of the rooms in this subchapter to blow the player to the left. Carefully bouncing on specific objects will be required for all of the rooms here, such as bouncing on both kinds of clouds, springs, or snowballs— all while carefully moving forward against the wind. Dash timing will be very important to keep up forward momentum while not colliding with any crystals.


Room 1

Walk to the right and approach the area below the green bubble. Jump up and dash straight up twice to enter the green bubble, then aim it right and dash straight right once more after popping out. You'll land on a white cloud below, then you have to nudge yourself forward carefully as you time doing a bounce up, then falling a bit before dashing right twice to land on another white cloud. Stay on this white cloud by walking slightly right on it until you find a time to dash straight right twice, which should be done in the middle of the fall from the small natural bounces off of the white cloud. You'll then land on one more white cloud, and you should carefully time doing a large bounce while moving to the right on it, then dashing straight up, moving a bit left with the wind, then dashing straight up again to climb to the end of the room.

Room 2

This room will have one big triggered platform with springs on top of it which you need to travel with to the right side of the room. Dash up on top of the triggered platform, then you'll bounce on the springs. Fall, then on your next bounce dash right through the gap of the crystals. In the next section, you'll need to time dashing straight right during your descent from the spring bounce to make it through some crystal gaps. After four of these, you'll be met with a taller wall of crystals which you need to dash up-right over, then keep moving right as you fall to then dash straight right and grab the right side of the triggered platform. When you're just about to be moved into crystals on the right, climb as high as possible and jump straight up and move right, then grab the triggered platform again. The next time you have to do this, land on the springs after jumping up to get two dashes refreshed and dash straight up to the end.

Room 3

The wind will be harsh in this room and there are huge gaps between small floors over the bottomless pit. Use two dashes to get to the first one on the left, then you'll be met with snowballs approaching from the right which will be your main method of getting further. Stay running to the right on this small bit of floor and watch for the oncoming snowball. When it's about halfway past the gap, jump and right after dash straight to the right to get a bit boost right alongside bouncing on the snowball to refresh your dashes. From there, dash straight right twice to reach the next safe spot. Repeat this same technique to make it to another floor to the right, then from there you can dash right normally to advance through the wind.

Room 4

Dash twice to touch the purple orb, then you'll be able to land on a white cloud above. Do a bounce up from here, then time a dash to the left to reach the next purple orb. Jump right off the left wall, then dash straight right twice to land on the pink cloud and remove it (though make sure you're nudging yourself right after hitting it to not be blown into crystals to the left), allowing you to fall below and dash right twice into the next purple orb. Do a wall jump to the right, then dash straight up, then wall jump to the right again and dash straight up again to reach purple orb again and be flung up. Move a bit to the right for your fall, then dash straight left to evade the spikes and crystals, then dash back right once you're beneath them and you'll collect a key token while reaching a white cloud. Bounce up from this white cloud and the key-activated platform above should be out of the way, allowing you to dash upward twice to reach the purple orb and be taken to the next subchapter.

